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Preparing For Puppy

Anchor 1

A New Puppy

Before the Big Day

Bringing home your new puppy is one of the most precious joys of being a dog owner. Thoughtful preperations before you bring home your puppy home, will give you and your bundles of joy a perfect homecoming. 

Puppies can be much more fun than work, however there are a few things to research, and responsibilities to research to establish and ensure that all runs smoothly. 

Please try not to overwhelm puppy the first day they arrive at their new home. This will be a stressful transition time for the puppy and it would be best to take it slowly at first.

~ Reaseach to find a local vet and establish

a puppy plan

~Research and find a reputable trainer

~Determine where to to take the puppy to


~Determine a feeding schedule 


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